Monthly Forum

How to Bind the Bruised Reed :By Diane Ombasyi-Nyamwembe

July 1, 2017

AMREF Headquarters

W ho or what is a bruised reed? Simple, a hurting person. Could be you, a family member or even a friend.
What causes bruising? Offense from others or our sin.

Scripture Ref: Isaiah 42:1-4; Matt 12:15-21

It has been said many times that the Christian army is the only army where we shoot down our own wounded soldiers; our bruised reeds. In the Christian fraternity, your dirty linen is aired in public more often than not, to shame an individual. We quote “the truth shall set you free” as we expose a person’s faults and shortcomings. It often provides fodder for gossip, slander, ridicule causing the person to be ostracized.

Reprimand is, seemingly, meted out to ensure the “perpetrator” pays for their sins and to provide an example to others on the severity of punishment for an offence. This, instead of loving, corrective measures aimed at restoration of a brother or sister who fell. We forgot, that we are to speak the truth in love…and love covers a multitude of sin.

In our circles we establish cliques, just like those we had in primary and high school. The “cool kids” are often the well to do, with their lives put together. The outcast remains the outcast. There’s often a lack of embrace and love for those in need. Those who have no food, or whose marriages are falling apart receive pity, rather than acceptance, genuine friendship and support. All these things often take place at the expense of the bruised reed, the hurting soul. Whether they were hurt, or are hurting because of something they did…

What should we do? What is expected of us?

Isaiah and Matthew highlight this clearly.

  1. Bring Justice:  Start in your own little space or area of influence. It’s easy for the hurt individual to lack justice. In fact, most times they are hurt because of unjust acts towards them. Where possible, ensure that justice is served for the wounded. It could be something as easy as telling the offender that what they have done is unjust on behalf of the aggrieved party.
  2. Don’t kill the wounded:  Regardless of whether the wounds are inflicted by others or self, love and support a bruised person.
  3. Bring Hope:  There are times when you do not have the power to remedy a situation but you can give hope. A call, a text, a hug and a shoulder would be of great relief to a bruised reed. A problem shared is, even when no resolution is found, often a much lighter load to share.
  4. Next, fan their flame: Encouragement is a strong force and can often be the difference between despair and joy and in some instances, life and death.

Bind up the broken hearted:  Love is often said to be the strongest force on earth. Love heals. So when you encounter a bruised reed, bind them up in your love. Find others around you who can also offer love. Bind up a broken heart with love and be amazed at the transformation that brings.

What then if YOU are the bruised reed?

God knows every single details about your life and HE still loves you unconditionally. He’s aware of your pain and HE does not despise your tears. The Psalmist expresses how precious we are to God, so much so that HE holds our tears in a jar. 

God does not waste our pain; he can turn our mess into a message of hope and restoration and, will use the test you are going through to bring forth a testimony.

As you’re in the season when you’re bruised and smoldering:

  1. Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you are feeling and let God in on it:  David, the man after God’s own heart did just that. In the Psalms we see David having very open and honest conversations with God, expressing himself in regards to God and those who caused him grief.

In this place of vulnerability and brokenness, you may often feel like God is not there and the heavens above you are silent, but know this, it is then that God is carrying you.

  1. Start up the path to healing:  How? As you speak to God and vent and cry, remind yourself of what HE has brought you out of in the past. Remind yourself of things HE has done for others around you.  Dig deep into God’s word, there you will find assurance of God’s unconditional love for you; Romans 8: 35- 39 You will also find encouragement for anything and everything you may be facing.
  2. Allow God to make use of your pain:  Your experience will be a great testimony therefore painful as it is, embrace the pain. Why? Because:
  1. Pain brings growth Romans 5:3-5
  2. Pain can bring good Romans 8:28


Disclaimer as we close: Hurting People Hurt People

I was once told a story of a cat, Snowy. Snowy was a beautiful kitty, milk white fur, all white. Snowy’s owner loved her and she loved him. She was a house cat and her owner kept her indoors because he also had dogs. 4 big dogs that didn’t like cats.  One day, snowy strayed and went out and the dogs attacked her. Hearing the ruckus Snowy’s owner ran out to save his beloved. On reaching her, he dispersed the dogs and tried to tend to Snowy. When he stretched out his hand to touch her she dug her claws into his flesh and left him with a deep painful scratch.  Snowy’s reflexes following her attack led to defend herself from everyone and everything. 

This is often the cause with a bruised reed. They may hurt you with their words and actions and even leave you with wounds and scars. It’s easy to walk away to leave them to stew in their hurt and sometimes self-imposed isolation but remember we are called to love. Love covers a multitude of sins therefore love them like Jesus. Bind up their wounds. Bring healing.

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