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The Mystery of Divine Favour : By Vincent Chahale

January 25, 2020

CITAM Woodley

F avour is getting approval, support, or liking for someone or something. The opposite of favour is accusations that bring fear resulting in a spirit of rejection. With rejection comes insecurity – feelings of not measuring up or being afraid of losing out. Rejection can be overcome by refuting the accusations made because it is our heritage as sons of God. It is also overcome by appropriating the blood of Jesus according to Revelation 12:11 and by the power of one’s testimony.

Favour on the other hand, is a mystery, it is not fair. There are things that trigger favour. For example, when one honors his/her parents, according to the bible, “it shall be well with you”. Another way of attracting God’s favour is honoring God’s savants. Something that Christians are often very poor with. A story is told of a man named Dangote. About 20 years ago, some man of God was going to preach somewhere and he was told that the flight was full. He asked if there were two seats remaining, but was told it was completely full. So, he entered the flight and asked if there were two passengers who could forego their seats because he had an appointment to preach somewhere.

One gentleman by the name of Dangote with his companion stood and left seats for the preacher and his companion. This man of God spoke a blessing Dangote and left for his mission. Up to today, Dangote is amongst the richest men in Africa, just because of the act of kindness towards a man of God.

The Levels of Favour:   Favour comes in levels.   When the angel appeared to give the news of the birth of Jesus to Mary, he referred to Mary as being highly favoured (Luke 1:28), which suggests that favour comes in different levels.  Again, Luke 2:52 notes that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man’.  The favour Jesus received grew from one level to another and it was from both God and man, if Jesus needed favour, how much more do we need favour.   One requires the favour from both God and man to excel and operate under grace (Proverbs 3:4).   According to 1st Samuel 2:26, the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the Lord, and also with men’.   God gave the Israelites favour in the sight of the Egyptians (Exodus 3:21).

When president Moi became president of Kenya, he put in place several educational centers, one such centers was Sunshine Secondary School.  He then decided to head hunt for the first principal of the school.  The dice fell on one Laban Ayiro and he got the position and became the first Principal of Sunshine Secondary School.  Mr. Ayiro was favoured by President Moi, since then he has risen in ranks, currently he serves as the vice chancellor for Daystar University, one of the leading private universities in Kenya – and that is favour.  That is why I say, favour is a mystery, it comes when we least expect it.  

Favour is seen and perceived by sight: When one is favoured those around can see it.   Scripture references: Gen 18:3, “Abrahamic Favour” Exodus 3:21,1st Sam 16:22, Men 2:5, Esther 5:2; Prob 3:4 – favour in sight of God and man.  When you are favoured, even those people not associated with you are able to perceive favour in you. 

Righteousness is the breeding ground of favour:  We need to be righteous for us to be favoured of God – (Psalms 5:12).  The fact that God desires to bless us does not mean it is automatic, we have to keep the faith, without which it is impossible to please God.  Allow God to increase in your life as you decrease so you can enjoy His favour – (Prov 5:12). 

Gifts of the Holy Spirit command Favour in our lives:  God’s favour follows the areas of one’s giftings.  Joseph received favour because he was able to interpret Pharao’s dream, which led to his promotion.  This highlights the need of putting our gifts to use for God’s glory.  Your gifting will cause you to find favour and dine with Kings.

Favour has a timing:  Set time (You should declare this year as the year of favour) Psalms 102:14  ‘For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof’.

Favour cannot be bought:  One cannot buy favour by  skill / experience / education (Ecclesiastes 9:11)  ‘I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all’.

Favour transcends Generations:

  1. The house of Joseph received the favour that was on Joseph, and were spared. Duet 33:16
  2. Moses blessed the house of Joseph
  3. Favour of David restored Solomon’s throne

Favour can ignite the blessing on your father’s house & cause you to be the recipient.  Jacob misused the blessing on his head (favour) causing Joseph to get it.  He missed his blessing because of deceit, but Joseph experience the favour fully hence redemption. Gen 27:28-29.  Jacob was blessed to be served, however he served Laban most of his life.  Joseph, on the other hand, was served in Egypt.

Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine:  29 Let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee: be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother’s sons bow down to thee: cursed be every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee.

Bible Characters that found favour in the sight of God

  1. David and Saul
  2. Nehemiah – Favour in rebuilding the walls
  3. Esther found favour before the King, and she saved her people.
  4. Joseph – The name joseph in Hebrew – “May the lord add / give increase” Joseph was well favoured (Genesis 39:6)
  • Robe of many colours (He had Genesis 37:3
  • Favour in the sight of the keeper in prison.

It is good to note that: –

  • Favour is a Mistry and it is not fair
  • Favour is to man but for God’s glory. Gen 40:8, Gen 41:16 – All the glory should be transferred to God.
  • The body of Jesus was killed but the blood gave us redemption and causes us to walk in divine favour.  The blood speaks better things for our lives.

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