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(HOLC) is a faith-based organization

Household of Love Centre (HOLC) is a faith-based organization whose mandate is to alleviate social, economic, mental and emotional poverty, promote peace, access to education, welfare service and mitigate the impact of drug and alcohol abuse within communities in Kenya. HOLC promotes the building of strong families and a strong society through building the capacity of the community in urban areas, informal settlements, and the counties to cope with and overcome social, economic, mental, emotional and other family challenges, and thus formulate and accomplish realistic dreams.


Community enlightened building strong families and a strong society


Build capacity of the community in urban areas, informal settlements and the counties to cope with and overcome social, economic and family challenges and thus, formulate and accomplish realistic dreams.

Core Values


Board Members

Chairman of the Board

Benson Otemba Inyangala

Animal Scientist/Lecturer; University of Nairobi

Benson Alfred Otemba Inyangala has been a lecturer for the past 31 years at the University of Nairobi, Department of Animal Production where he is responsible for teaching students pursuing Master of Science in Animal Production and Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Range Management and Veterinary Medicine. Previously, he served as an Agricultural Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kiambu County for 5 years, where he was responsible for training farmers and frontline extension officers and coordinating the Farmers Dairy Cooperative Societies.

Benson holds a Master of Arts in Leadership Studies from the International Leadership University, a Master of Science in Animal Production from the University of Nairobi and Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Hons) from the University of Nairobi.

Benson is a member of Christ is the Answer Ministries (CITAM), previously known as the Nairobi Pentecostal Church where he has served as an elder for 10 years. He is passionate about leadership and together with other leaders; they developed the Leadership Development Program (LDP) – a Christian education program whose goal is to equip lay ministers in Biblical and Doctrinal studies, Leadership development and Ministry skills so they may serve the body of Christ in CITAM Woodley and beyond. Family life is close to his heart and together with his wife Monica they have 3 adult children; they have provided pre- and post-marital counselling to many young couples over the years in raising the next generation and future parents. They both serve with the parenting ministry of the Navigators Kenya whose programs are to equip parents on how to train, instruct, guide, coach and discipline their children using Biblical principles.

Benson is a great teacher of the word and is keen on discipleship and mentorship. He has mentored many young adults in church and the university. He has served on the Advisory Committee of the Christian Union at the University of Nairobi for 15 years, five of which he served as the Patron. He has been engaged in several speaking engagements and conference presentations in both his professional and ministry fields and has published a number of publications related to his area of expertise and interest.

Treasurer of the Board

Stella Kasura

Program Assistant, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Stella is an administrative professional strong business acumen and is well versed in a wide range of complex administrative, operational and program/project support functions in the private, corporate and INGO fields – experience gained over 15 years. She is skilled in managing, coordinating, planning and supporting Senior Executives, Principal Investigators (PI), and project teams in the day-to-day office operations travel logistics, events, meetings and conference organization. Stella holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Business Administration and Management from Daystar University Nairobi Campus.

Stella is passionate about youth development and firmly believes that young people have what it takes to be agents of change in their communities. She has vast experience in engaging more than 100 young adults through mentorship in areas of career, relationships and spiritual growth. She participated in the establishment & launch of the Kenya Youth for Christ (KYC) Eldoret Chapter and has served as a volunteer facilitator of the Discipleship Programme and as a member of the Secretariat of the Leadership Development Programme (LDP) at Christ is the Answer Ministries (CITAM) Woodley. She currently serves with Mentor Africa Network as a mentor.

Board Member

Joyce Lodenyi Kimiywe

Counselling Psychologist

Mrs. Joy Kimiywe is married to Rev. Kennedy Kimiywe and is a mother of two adult children. She worked for Communications Authority of Kenya for 19 years as a PA to the CEO and later as procurement practitioner. Joy has practiced Public Procurement for over 15 years. Her involvement in church ministry alongside her husband for over 20 years led her to pursue her passion to walk alongside people in need, which she does passionately. Joy is a holder of Bachelor of Arts in Counseling Psychology from the Africa International University (AIU) and a Master’s degree in the same field from United States International University, Africa (USIU). She is a practicing Counseling Psychologist and a certified professional mediator.
Board Member

Josephine Nyokabi Njoroge

Product Manager, Software Group Kenya

Josephine is married to Daniel Njoroge and together they have two sons. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology. She is currently undertaking a Master of Business Administration; Strategic Management option, both from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT).
She has over 10 years’ experience in designing, testing, implementing and supporting the adoption of digital products that support financial inclusion. Josephine has extensively worked with savings groups in Kenya, Rwanda, Zambia and Mozambique to implement a mobile solution that allows group members to use their mobile wallet accounts to pay money to their savings groups.
She also has a great passion for children and contributes to children Christian religion nourishment through Sunday school training and in the programme of pastoral instruction (P.P.I) for school going children in primary schools.

Julia Kangu Ombasyi

Secretary to the Board

Counselling Psychologist

Advisory Board

Samuel Akhwale

Lecturer – Kenya School of Law

Samuel is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and at present is a Lecturer at the Kenya School of Law, Nairobi. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Nairobi, a Postgraduate Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law and a Diploma in Christian Service and Leadership from the Pan Africa Christian University (PACU).
Prior to his present posting Samuel worked with the Office of the Attorney General of Kenya in the Department of Public Prosecutions, and after that with the International Justice Mission (IJM) Kenya Field Office. It is in working at these organizations that he came face to face with cases of injustice, mainly in low-income settlements, such as malicious arrests by police and sexual violence against children. Due to the low-income levels of the victims, some would be coerced into withdrawing their complaints. It therefore gave him an insight of the importance of giving such people in low income areas a sound resource base so as to free them from vulnerability. It also gave him close interaction with Counselors and processes of walking with victims of injustice and trauma regaining hope and a firm footing in life. This experience makes Samuel passionate about making better the lives of those who have been through trauma of different kinds. He is currently involved in Training programs to equip volunteer lawyers with skills to represent clients’ pro bono (without charging fees).
Samuel has served on Boards of FOCUS (Fellowship of Christian Unions), a Christian Students Leadership Organization, and the Inter Christian Fellowship Evangelical Mission (ICFEM), a rural multi-faceted mission that among other things provides medical services and education through schools.
He is a member of Christ is the Answer Ministries (CITAM) church at Woodley in Nairobi.

Rose Oronje

Director, Public Policy & Communications
African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP)

Rose is a development policy and communications specialist with over 10 years’ experience in development research-to-policy communications and conducting policy analysis research. With a strong background in communication and policy analysis, Rose has extensive experience in conducting analyses of policies and policy environments, and translating and communicating research to policymakers and other general audiences (including the mass media). She also has extensive experience in designing and delivering capacity building programmes in knowledge translation, including research-to-policy communications, but also research utilization by policymakers, media practitioners, and civil society.

At AFIDEP, Rose provides strategic leadership in the design and delivery of evidence uptake research and interventions. Her publications have focused mainly on the areas of health policymaking, and research-to-policy in the health sector. Prior to joining AFIDEP, Rose headed the Policy Engagement and Communications unit at the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) from 2004-2009.

Rose earned her Ph.D. from the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom. She also has a Masters Degree in Communications from the University of Nairobi, and a Bachelor’s degree in Information Science from Moi University.

Chichi Undie, Ph.D.

Senior Associate - Population Council

Chi-Chi Undie is a senior associate with the Population Council’s Reproductive Health program in Nairobi. Since joining the Council in 2009, Undie’s research has focused primarily on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and adolescent girls. Since 2011, she has served as project director for the Council-led ‘Africa Regional SGBV Network’—a multi-country, multi-partner SGBV response and research initiative in East and Southern Africa. Her work on SGBV has had wide influence on policy and practice, leading to the passage of a resolution calling for the integration of intimate partner violence screening into sexual and reproductive health and HIV and AIDS services throughout East, Central, and Southern Africa. This work has recently been extended to refugee settings in the region, and to address the needs of child survivors of violence. Her more recent research with out-of-school adolescent mothers aims to expand their access to formal education by revitalizing the implementation of Kenya’s school re-entry policy for young mothers.
Before joining the Council, Undie was a Ford Foundation postdoctoral fellow and, later, an associate research scientist at the African Population and Health Research Center. There she led the Center’s sexuality program and conducted several sexual and reproductive health research projects.
Undie is co-chair of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative’s Coordinating Group. She holds a BA in French from the University of Calabar and graduate degrees in intercultural communication (MA) and language, literacy, and culture (PhD) from the University of Maryland.
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Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.